비가 내리던 어느 아름다운 날, 벚꽃을 사진 찍으러 가기로 결심해서 내 DSLR카메라만 들고 간채, 자전거를 타고 조용한 마을인 누마즈를 돌아다녔다. 누마즈와 같은 느긋한 도시에서도, 이 하얀색 꽃들은 공원, 학교, 축구장, 고속도로, 강 그리고 호수를 따라 벚꽃들을 보고 사진을 마구 찍어댔다.
누마즈의 벚꽃
누마즈 시에 핀 벚꽃 사진 촬영


Anonymous의 번역

일본의 상징이라 할 수 있는 벚꽃 (저작권: Tyra 'nell Pille)

Around the soccer field, several Cherry Blossom trees stand, creating a relaxing panoramic view. (저작권: Tyra 'nell Pille)

One of the entrances/exits to the huge soccer field (저작권: Tyra 'nell Pille)

This cherry blossom tree adds drama to the entrance of this building's compound. (저작권: Tyra 'nell Pille)

Along the road, within the compound of a school, this Cherry Blossom tree stands proud and captivating. (저작권: Tyra 'nell Pille)

This tree is an early bloomer as most of its flowers had already fallen down and its leaves started to sprout. (저작권: Tyra 'nell Pille)

Despite the constant rain and strong winds, the place looks lovely because of the dominant pinkish tint of the Cherry Blossom flowers. (저작권: Tyra 'nell Pille)

An empty bench waiting to be occupied (저작권: Tyra 'nell Pille)

This place is also ideal for joggers and other health-conscious individuals. (저작권: Tyra 'nell Pille)

Live simply, enjoy nature's beauty and love unconditionally. (저작권: Tyra 'nell Pille)

No matter how dark your night seems to be, the sun will always rise and shine the next day. (저작권: Tyra 'nell Pille)

When you feel blue, sit down under the Cherry Blossom tree full of pinkish flowers, look at your surroundings and evaluate your feelings after 10 minutes. (저작권: Tyra 'nell Pille)

The "Bermuda Triangle"-style bench and the Cherry Blossoms (저작권: Tyra 'nell Pille)

This tree stands alone yet it is never lonely. (저작권: Tyra 'nell Pille)

Nature has its own simple ways of soothing the soul. (저작권: Tyra 'nell Pille)
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