
An art town in Gunma.

Nakanojo is a town located in the northwest of Gunma prefecture. It is known for the onsen nearby, and its biennial art festival. I started to walk from the Tsumuji Nakanojo Creative Communication Center and I followed the main street until it crosses the Agatsuma river. In the Tsumuji Nakanojo Creative Communication Center, there are a craftsman shop with traditional Japanese dolls or fabrics, a coffee shop and the Nakanojo Tourist Information Centre. During Nakanojo Biennal (the next one will be held in 2019), there are some events happening in the centre, like a hemp demonstration, for example.

Along the way, there are traditional Japanese houses mixed with more recent architecture. Nakanojo is an art town, and there are Japanese paper lanterns with some flowers painted on them in town.

I crossed the Agatsuma River and went to see Homanzan Hakuunin Rinsho Temple, a Buddhist temple. Just before the temple, on Isemachi street, you can admire ancient Japanese architecture.

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From Tokyo, take the JR Agatsuma line to Takasaki and then to Nakanojo. There are as well Shinkensen going to Nakanojo.

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