Country Festa in Moegi Village 2024

Over 60 market stalls, music, and hands-on workshops

장소: Moegi Village 언제: Late Oct 2024

The annual Country Festa in Moegi Village event has been running for 20 years now, and it includes over 60 market stalls selling a wide variety of items. There will be everything from handmade crafts to one-of-a-kind clothes, and even Halloween and Christmas-themed goodies if you're looking for fun decor or gift inspiration.

In addition to all of the market stalls, there will be live music performances and a wide variety of food trucks selling all kinds of delicious eats. If you enjoy hands-on activities, check out some of the craft and cooking workshops they're hosting, too – a participation fee does apply with those.

There is no admission fee to enjoy the atmosphere of the event, but bring yen if you plan on making purchases.

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Moegi Village is located around 10 minutes on foot from Kiyosato Station, which is served by the JR Koumi Line. For those who opt to drive, paid on-site parking will be available – it's charged at 1000 JPY per vehicle.

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