저작권: Okinawa City
Oct 27th
May 26th
저작권: Okinawa City

Okinawa Tropical Illuminations 2023-2024

Stunning lights at this award-winning event

장소: Southeast Botanical Gardens, Okinawa 언제: Oct 27th - May 26th 2024

For the past 9 years, an annual illumination competition has ranked the best light displays across Japan. For 2021, the Okinawa Tropical Illuminations at Southeast Botanical Garden came in third place (up from 7th place the year prior), giving some indication as to the quality of the event.

Some highlights include a tropical-inspired Christmas tree decorated with butterflies and flowers, the marine-themed Hikari no Umi (sea of light) section, and the Castle of Light which looks fit for royalty.

거기에 도착하기

The Southeast Botanical Gardens are located a short drive from the Okinawa Kita IC on the Okinawa Expressway. On-site parking is available for up to 350 vehicles.

For those visiting the area via public transport, take bus # 90 from the Naha Bus Terminal until you reach the Okinawashi Nomin Kenshu center-mae stop. The gardens are located on the other side of the expressway from the bus stop, about a five minute cab ride away.

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