저작권: gtknj / CC BY 2.0

Kurume City Cosmos Festival 2024

One of the city's top autumnal events

장소: Jinya River, Kitano Cosmos Park, Kitano Tenmangu Shrine 언제: Late Oct 2024

Held in October each year, the Kurume City Cosmos Festival is one of the region's most popular autumn events. A stretch of the Jinya River embankment is filled with the flowers for almost four kilometers, and they also bloom at the nearby Kitano Cosmos Park and Kitano Tenmangu Shrine.

Along with the bounty of flowers to enjoy, the two-day festival will also include various food and drink booths, a photo competition, and a sweet potato harvesting experience.

저작권: Kurume City PR Office

Admission to the event is free, but do bring yen if you plan on making food and drink purchases.

거기에 도착하기

The event takes place along the Jinya River's "Cosmos Highway," plus at the Kitano Cosmos Park and Kitano Tenmangu Shrine. The venues can be accessed from Kitano Station, which is served by the Nishitetsu Amagi Line.

For those who opt to drive, temporary parking lots will be set up along the riverside to accommodate festivalgoers.

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